+ Ricky McCormick, who was dumped in a field in St. Louis, Missouri, had two encrypted notes stuffed in his pockets when police found the dead body.
The FBI put out a fresh appeal in the hope that a new generation of amateur online sleuths and code-crackers can help solve the 1999 murder case that went cold.
+ I immediately found a possible solution
The idea is to find the name of the supposed author in the text
He could have signed one or two notes.
So I looked in the beginning and the ending.......and finally my proposal was written here:
Last line of note 2 was something like this:
"O-W-m-y H8L XORLX" or "O-W-m-4 H8L XORLX"
..... and my transcription was in this way:
"OWN-Why I AM MCORM(i)K" or "OWN-for I AM MCORM(i)K"
Everything depended on the sound of the letter (a phonetic solution)
Y= sound like "way" or "why"
4= sound like "for"
+ My hypothesis is that the hyphen joins letters to form a word
So the hyphen is a punctuation mark used by Mccormick to join letters and to separate words of a single word.
+ Then "O-W-m-Y" must be one word, not two words, "OWNY" but i did not find this word in my book, a dictionary english-spanish until a few days ago on internet.
The word "owny" can be found on the Internet Collins English Dictionary: "owny-o or ownsome" http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/owny-o
SO "O-W-m-y H8L XORLX" means "On my ownsome i am Mcorm(i)Ck"
+ There is no code, is a personal and unique shorthand text.Below I explain the method to understand this text
The idea is to find the name of the supposed author in the text
He could have signed one or two notes.
So I looked his signature.
I saw the repetition and I remembered the name of computer of the spaceship movie of Kubrick (2001) and this is what happened:
Last line of note 2 is something like this:
"O-W-m-Y H8L XORLX" = "Owny i am Mcorm(i)Ck"
The explanation is like this letter by letter
O = O
W = W
m = N + He used the Cesar's code . one move in the alphabet (after the "m", "n")
Y = Y
+ And the hyphen joins letters creating a word.
H = I + Again the use of Cesar´s code explained above
8 = A + Because in English "8" sounds like " eight /ˈeɪt/"and is similar to the sound of the vowel "A" = " /ˈeɪ/". The numbers can be used as words or syllable by their similar sound (4 = for, 2 = to, too, 3 = tree ... etc)
L = M + Cesar´s code again.
+ Remember the movie of Kubrick "2001 space odyssey". The joke about a computer called HAL because if we apply the Cesar´s code explained HAL is IBM, the famous company of personal computers.

IMAGE : hal-9000-panel-2001-space-odyssey
X = C, MC and CK. There is the part that is repeated, it is a typically shorthand solution. It reminded me that those who can not write signed with an X or something.
O = O + again
R = R
L = M + again.
(I) this vowel is added. The vowels are deleted except those necessary to understand the message (a shorthand solution).X = C, MC and CK. + Again.
There is no code, is a personal and unique shorthand text.
I guess the two notes are something like a will or last will.
And, yes, I translated the 2 notes on my way in the chapter 4.
Tools used by Mccormick
+ English alphabet unchanged
+ English phonetics
+ Hyphens for joining letters
+ Cesar`s code B or +1 move
+ Unnecessary vowels are eliminated
+Typical shorthand tricks
+ Geometrical shorthand
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Final comment
+ With these tools a perceptive person can to discover why Mccormick was to Marais Temps Clair Conservation Area on Monday, a near sighted will show that this action was not insignificant, so He buried a suitcase with 99,840 dollars and more below a hut to Birdwatching (And he also regrets the killing of someone) .
At your disposal:
Barcelona March 28, 2015.