In my humble opinion based on Edgar Allan Poe´s short story "The Gold Bug", first we must look for the signature where habitually someone puts the signature.
---Note the last word of the last line of the second note:
++ Can you see which letter are repeated, and where?
++ Can you remember HAL 9000 the Arthur C. Clarke´s joke?
( HAL 9000 = IBM ..... by Caesar code B or +1)
"XORLX", a letter repeats itself.
Remember "McCormick", a letter repeats itself.
If "X"= Mc, C and cK
If O= O and R= R
If L= M because he uses the code Caesar b or +1.
"XORLX" is equal to "McCormick".
The McCormick notes must be encrypted and shorted but if these notes were written for himself.... on having put his name these notes are actually a note of suicide, a testament or last will.
If we apply this knowledge to the last line of the 2nd note this it must mean:
"O-W-m-4 H8L XORLX" is "OWN-for I aM MCCORM(i)CK" because:
1) O-W, R = OW, R, letters equals and the hyphen serves to join the letters in a word.
2) -m = N ,substitution Code Caesar +1, and the hyphen join the letters
4) H = I, change by Code Caesar b or +1.
5) 8 = EIGHT= eit (phonetic solution) = ei (phonetic solution) = letter "a"(graphic representation).
6) L = M, another Code Caesar b or +1
7) Addition vowel (i) as usual shorthand transcription
It is the key:
+English alphabet.
+Alphabet phonetic English.
+Code Caesar B or +1 combined in a private system of stenography.
+Private shorthand or Stenogaphic system.
Bye from Spain.
+ ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. (April 18.2012)
---If you think that "4" is not "4" but "Y"
---If you think "8" is not "8" but "I" .... then the solution is this:
"O-W-m-Y HIL XORLX" transcript is "OWN-WHY I AM MCCORMICK"
.... because
"Y"= wai (phonetic solution) =similar sound to "WHY" or "WAY"
"I" = ai (phonetic solution) = represents letter A
+ ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. (january 2012)
--A) I must add one curious fact to explain how i discovered the MCCORMICK signature in a few seconds (april 2011):
+1) My city, Barcelona (spain) has two official languages: Castilian (spanish) and Catalan.
+2) "XORLX" is the last group of words (end 2nd note)
+3) The phonetic transcription of the letter "X" is:
--------English: X= "eks".
--------Castilian (spanish): X= "equis".
--------Catalan: X= "ics" or "xeix".
+ ... And this is evident how all was discovered. Is a phonetic game, like this:
XORLX ="ics"ORL"ics" (X phonetic catalan)="C"ORL"iCs"= CORMIC´s= MCCORMICK´s.
.......Only you need to explain the "L" = "M" as a Caesar code, assume that "X" is a shorthand solution for C, MC and CK and vowels are removed except when are necessary to distinguish one word from another (vowels are implicit, like as in the stenographyc writing).
---B) Something about CAESAR CIPHER:
a gift from the BBC and SH.
LAST CHANGE May 17, 2015
Last line of note 2 is something like this:
"O-W-m-Y H8L XORLX" = "Owny i am Mcorm(i)Ck"
The explanation is like this letter by letter
O = O
W = W
m = N + He used the Cesar's code . one move in the alphabet (after the "m", "n")
Y = Y
+ And the hyphen joins letters creating a word.
H = I + Again the use of Cesar´s code explained above
8 = A + Because in English "8" sounds like " eight /ˈeɪt/"and is similar to the sound of the vowel "A" = " /ˈeɪ/". The numbers can be used as words or syllable by their similar sound (4 = for, 2 = to, too, 3 = tree ... etc)
L = M + Cesar´s code again.
The word "owny" can be found on the Internet Collins English Dictionary: "owny-o or ownsome"
Good Bye.
( addenda et corrigenda, may 2012)