viernes, 11 de julio de 2014


Nostradamus wrote about cities and territories that today are part of Iraq

                   SOURCE OF ALL MISFORTUNES
        "The king of Europe....  versus .... the King of Babylon"  C10 Q86

                                   "Mesopotamia will fail in France."  C3 Q99

"A decade after American troops invaded Iraq as a response to al Qaeda's 9/11 attack - a decade that saw nearly 4,500 US deaths, tens of thousands of American casualties, 134,000 Iraqi civilian deaths, and cost the US taxpayer at least $1.7 trillion - the capital of that woebegone country is in danger of falling to Islamist berserkers who are more radical than al Qaeda."
BBC NEWS   'Horrible choices' for US next move in Iraq" 
 By Anthony Zurcher


Century 1  -  Quatrain 55. Old french:
 Soubz l'opposite climat Babylonique,(1)
Grand sera de sang effusion:
Que terre & mer, air, ciel sera inique,
Sectes, faim, regnes, pestes, confusion.

Century 1  -  Quatrain 55. possible english version:
Under the climate opposite of Babylon (1)
there will be great shedding of blood.
Heaven will seem unjust on land, and sea and in the air.
Sects, famine, kingdoms, plagues, confusion.

+ 1+ ++++++++++++ A  PIECE OF  ANCIENT HISTORY ++++++++++++++++

Once upon a time
+ Iraq has been known by the Greek toponym 'Mesopotamia' (Land between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates) and has been home to continuous successive civilizations since the 6th millennium BC.

The region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers is often referred to as the cradle of civilization and the birthplace of writing. At different periods in its history, Iraq was the center of the indigenous Akkadian, Sumerian, Assyrian, and Babylonian empires. It was also part of the Median, First Persian  (Achaemenid), Hellenistic, Parthian, Sassanid, Roman, Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid, Mongol, Safavid, Afsharid, and Ottoman empires.

Ancient cities and important ruins

    Babylon (ܒܒܝܠ) (بابل) the capital of the ancient Mesopotamian country of Babylonia, was built along the Euphrates River.

    Ctesiphon (Al-Mada'in, المدائن)
    Eridu (إريدو)
    Hatra (حضر)
    Kish (كيش)
    Lagash (لجش)
    Nineveh (ܢܝܢܘܐ) (نينوى)
    Nippur (نيبور)
    Nuzi (Nuzu)
    Sumer (سومر)
    Tell Ubaid (تل عبيد)

    Ur (أور) was an important Sumerian city-state in ancient Mesopotamia

Ur is considered by many to be the city of Ur Kasdim mentioned in the Book of Genesis (Biblical Hebrew אוּר) as the birthplace of the Hebrew patriarch Abram    
    Uruk (أوروك)
    Samarra is the site of the Great Mosque of Samarra

A locator map of Hammurabi's Babylonia, showing the Babylonian territory upon his ascension in 1792 BC and upon his death in 1750 BC. The river courses and coastline are those of that time period -- in general, they are not the modern rivers or coastlines

Interesting Facts
+ Iraq is home to two of the world's holiest places among Shias: Najaf and Karbala

+ The Babil Governorate in Iraq (named after Babylon) is sometimes transliterated as "Babel"

+ Tower of Babel  in biblical literature, structure built in the land of Shinar (Babylonia) some time after the Deluge. The story of its construction, given in Genesis 11:1–9, appears to be an attempt to explain the existence of diverse human languages.


+ The Fertile Crescent was a crescent shaped fertile area of land between Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt.

The crescent is one of the oldest symbols known to humanity. Together with the sun, it appeared on Akkadian seals as early as 2300 BC and from at least the second millennium BC it was the symbol of the Mesopotamian Moon gods Nanna in Sumer and Sin in Babylonia, Sin being the "Lamp of Heaven and Earth". The crescent was well known in the Middle East and was transplanted by the Phoenicians in the 8th century BC as far as Carthage (now in Tunisia). The crescent and star also appears on pre-Islamic coins of South Arabia

The crescent was in use in the ancient Greek colony of Byzantium. Subsequently, it became one of the symbols of the Byzantine Empire and especially of Constantinople. Indeed, during the Byzantine-Ottoman Wars, the crescent was used simultaneously by both the Byzantines and the Ottoman Sultans.

Before Islam, the crescent was the symbol of Sassanids and after capturing Persian lands, the crescent has been adopted by Arab Muslims and later by other Muslims. In the 12th century the crescent and star were adopted by the Turks and since then the crescent has been a frequent symbol used by powerful Muslim empires such as the Ottomans and the Mughals. It is a historical symbol of the Turks, associated especially with the Ottoman Empire.

tunisia flag
The flag of Tunisia is one of the world’s oldest flags.
Tunisia’s flag was adopted on July 3, 1959.

THE FLAG OF TUNISIA  has a description that is an exercise in symbolism and history. The flag itself is bright red. There is a white disc, or circle, that is in the middle of the flag. This disc holds both a crescent and a star.

Red, the color of the flag, is a traditional color that symbolizes Islam. It also is symbolic of the resistance against the Turkish supremacy. Red was the color the Ottoman Empire used who ruled Tunisia from 16th century to 1881.

The crescent is also red. It is indicative of the moon and circles the star. The crescent has other symbolic meanings. It is a traditional symbol of Islam as well as a sign of good luck. The crescent is called Osmanli, which is Turkish. The crescent and the star also represent the connection between Tunisia and the Ottoman Empire, as does the color Red. The white that is used symbolizes peace.
The five-pointed star symbolizes that all Muslims are united in their beliefs and are united with
the Five Pillars of Islam.

The Five Pillars of Islam are the meanings or cornerstones that each Muslim lives by. Each of the Five Pillars has a different meaning:

One – Testimony of Faith. This is the belief that none has the right to be worshiped but God.
Two – Prayer. This represents the Muslim act of performing five prayers per day.

Three – Giving Support of the Needy. This is the act of giving a certain percentage to the needy.
Four – The fasting the month of Ramadan. This represents the month of Ramadan when Muslims fast from dawn until dusk.
Five– The annual journey to Makkah. This is the annual pilgrimage to Makkah that is done in the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar.

also SELIN
+ Word of old Greek origin: It is from selene which means 'moon' ; selas 'light, shine' ; and  Latin word caelum 'heaven'. 

The name is derived from Selene (Old Greek), itself of the element selene, or else it is from Caelina (Latin), of the element caelum.

Selyn, Selyne, Sylin, and Sylyn are variant transcriptions of Selin.

It was borne in Greek mythology by the goddess of the moon.

+ Selin is largely used in the Turkish language, and it is derived from Turkish and Old Greek origins: 

SELEN   f   Turkish
Evolves from Selene in Greek. Meanings: 1. Gospel. 2. Asset, Glut.
SELIN   f   Turkish
Means "fresh running water" in Turkish, ultimately from Turkish "sel" = "fast-flowing stream; torrent; flood".




Century 1  -  Quatrain 55. Old french:
 Soubz l'opposite climat Babylonique,(1)
Grand sera de sang effusion:
Que terre & mer, air, ciel sera inique,
Sectes, faim, regnes, pestes, confusion.

Century 1  -  Quatrain 55. possible english version:
Under the climate opposite of Babylon (1)
there will be great shedding of blood.
Heaven will seem unjust on land, and sea and in the air.
Sects, famine, kingdoms, plagues, confusion.

+ WHO ?    THE ENEMY (black)

Century 8  - Quatrain 70. old french.
 Il entrera vilain, mechant, infame
Tyannisant la Mesopotamie,(1)
Tous amis fait d'adulterine dame.
Terre horrible, noir de phisonomie.  

Century 8  - Quatrain 70. Possible english version:
He will enter wicked, unpleasant, infamous,
tyrannizing over Mesopotamia.
All friends made by the adulterous lady.
the land dreadful, black of physiognomy.

Read more about black men

+ HE WANTS ..... TO CONQUER ROME  (as Hannibal did)

Century 2  - Quatrain 30. old french.
Vn qui les dieux d'Annibal infernaux,
Fera renaistre effrayeur des humains:
Oncq plus d'horreur, ne plus pire iournaux,
Qu'aduint viendra par Babel aux Romains.(1) 

Century 2  - Quatrain 30. Possible english version:
One who the infernal gods of Hannibal
Will cause the terror of mankind to be reborn,
Never more horror nor worse of days,
Will come to the Romans by Babel

Read more about Hannibal against Rome

The feud with Kuwait and its allies _1

Century 7  - Quatrain 22. old french.
Les Citoyens de Mesopotamie,(1)
Irez encontre amis de Tarraconne,
Ieux, rits, banquets, toute gent endormie
Vicaire au Rosne, prins cité, ceux d'Ausone. 

Century 7  - Quatrain 22. Possible english version:
The citizens of Mesopotamia,(1)
Angry with  friends of Tarragonne,
Games, rites, banquets, every person asleep

The vicar at Rhône, city taken, those of Ausonia.

Read more about Tarragone and the fate of the Vicar of Rome

+ HOW  ?  (the uprising, The feud with Kuwait and its allies _2)

Century 3  - Quatrain 61. old french. 
La grande bande & secte crucigere,
Se dressera en Mesopotamie:(1)
Du proche fleuue compagnie legere,
Que telle loy tiendra pour ennemie.

Century 3 - Quatrain 61. Possible english version:
The great band & sect putting to death on a cross,
Will rise up in Mesopotamia:
Light company of the nearby river,
That such law will hold for an enemy.

Read more about one great crucifying band

Fragment of Epistle to Henry Second:

Old French
"Et sera faite nouuelle incursion par les maritimes plages, volant le saut Castulum (2) deliurer de la premiere reprinse Mahumetane.—Et ne seront de leurs assaillemens vains, & au lieu que iadis fut l'habitation d'Abraham (1), sera assaillie par personnes qui auront en veneration les Iouialistes. "

Possible english version:
"And a new incursion will be made by the maritime shores, wishing to deliver Spain (2)  from the first Mahometan recapture. Their assaults will not all be in vain, and the place which was once the abode of Abraham (1) will be assaulted by persons who hold the Jovialists (3) in veneration"


"Castulum city of Spain very strong and very famous, and so attached to the Carthaginian Hannibal took them a woman, however, passed to the Romans".(Titus Livius wrote in his History of Rome). Today Cazlona in Jaen Province of Spain. This city controlled access to the Betis valley  and silver and lead mines in the region.

United States Of America because they give thanks to God on Thursday (the day of thanksgiving), the day of Jupiter (latin word "Jovis dies")
They are the men of Thursday.
Read more:
+ Abraham was born and became a man in Ur, Iraq today, before traveling through the Middle East. So nostradamus refers to the invasion of Iraq by an international alliance:

__Operation Desert Storm (17 January 1991 – 28 February 1991) was a war waged by coalition forces from 34 nations led by the United States against Iraq in response to Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait.  
__Operation Iraqi Freedom was a invasion of Iraq starting on 20 March 2003 by an internacional invasion force led by the United States.

..... and the Arabs invade Spain  again.

NOTE Also Mesopotamia and Babylon are words that appear again in the Epistle but with a different meaning.

+ END OF ISRAEL   (Iraq is the executioner)

Century 8 Quatrain 96. Old French.
La Synagogue sterile sans nul fruit
Sera receuë et entre les infideles
De Babylon la fille du porsuit (1)
Misere et triste lui trenchera les aisles.

Century 8 Quatrain 96. Possible english traslation:
The sterile Sinagogue without any fruit
Will be received and among the infidels
Of Babylon the daugther of the persecuted(1)
miserable and sad cut her wings

Read more about the end of Israel

+ THE  KING of EUROPE VERSUS THE CALIPH  ( and the grand alliance)

Century 10 Quatrain 86. Old French.
 Côme vn gryphon viendra le Roy d'Europe
Accompagné de ceux d'Aquilon,
De rouges & blancs conduira grane troppe
Et iront contre le Roy de Babylon.(1)

Century 10 Quatrain 86. Possible english traslation:
 Like a griffin will come the King of Europe
Accompanied by those of Aquilon,

Of red ones & white ones he will lead a great troop
And they will go against the King of Babylon.

Century 10 - Quatrain 95. Old French:
Dans les Espagnes viêdra Roy tres-puissant,
Par mer & terre subjugant or midy:
Ce mal sera, rabaissant le croissant,
Baisser les aesles à ceux du vendredy.

Century 10 - Quatrain 95. Possible English traslation:
To the Spains will come a very powerful King,
By land and sea subjugating our South of France:
This evil will cause, lowering again the crescent (1)
Clipping the wings of those of Friday (muslim day of prayer). 

Read more about this KING

+ THE DECISIVE VICTORY  (Mesopotamia will fail in France.)
Century 3 Quatrain 99. Old French
Aux champs herbeux d'Alein & du Varneigne,
Dumont Lebron proche de la Durance,
Camp des deux parts conflit sera si aigre,
Mesopotamie deffaillira en la France.(1)

Century 3 Quatrain 99. Possible english traslation:
In the grassy fields of Alleins & Vernègues,
Of the Lubéron range near the Durance,
The conflict will be very sharp for both armies,
Mesopotamia will fail in France.

Red more about about the battle and other related events

Alleins - entre colline et Durance - Editions de l'Accent

Book cover Alleins - Publishing  L´Accent
Between Arles and Aix-en-Provence, near Salon, looking Durance and Luberon, Alleins of these small villages very quiet, discreet, without uproars


+ Also SELIN, CHIREN & CRESCENT are words related with Mesopotamia and the muslim World by Nostradamus.
 (reserved space for a link about CHYREN/SELIN)

+ Now have appeared black men, with black looks and black flag in Iraq. It is the last piece of the puzzle. Now the players must act according to a plan provided by Nostradamus.

The preliminaries are over
The game has started.
Iraq Implodes: What You Need to Know


BOOK  "Alleins, entre colline et Durance"
Patrick Devys et Nathalie Caylus - Editions de l'Accent

Google translate

 About Nostradamus:


Future Addenda et Corrigenda in PINK

Goodbye from Spain
July 2014


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