One will be killed
One will be expelled from Rome and he will return.
In a sudden announcement that caught Catholics around the world off guard, Pope Benedict XVI said he will resign at the end of February, becoming the first pontiff to step down in nearly 600 years.
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Now is the time of the last Pope according to the prophecy of St. Malachy
The Prophecy of the Popes, attributed to Saint Malachy, is a list of 112 short phrases in Latin. They purport to describe each of the Roman Catholic popes (along with a few anti-popes), beginning with Pope Celestine II (elected in 1143) and concluding with current pope Benedict XVI's successor, a pope described in the prophecy as "Peter the Roman", whose pontificate will end in the destruction of the city of Rome.
112- Last Phrase in Latin is:
In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oves
in multis tribulationibus: quibus transactis civitas septicollis
diruetur, & Judex tremêdus judicabit populum suum. Finis.
112- In extreme persecution, the seat of the Holy Roman Church will be
occupied by Peter the Roman, who will feed the sheep through many
tribulations, at the term of which the city of seven hills will be
destroyed, and the formidable Judge will judge his people. The End.
Possible explanation of the Latin text:
+ For some religious war or religious persecution, the pope was obliged to do their work outside of Rome (Italy). Rome will be held by horde of evil or any foreigner army and governed by someone very evil. The city will be destroyed and that's the list of popes.
+ John Hogue said that:
"Taking Nostradamus’ final line in mind, the next pope, in the name of peace reaches out to radical Islam. Unfortunately, the enemy turns on him, and the great plague foreseen comes out of biological or chemical weapons of mass destruction used by terrorists. A number of Nostradamus’ prophecies infer such attacks on Rome will take place, forcing the evacuation of a future pontiff."
+According to Nostradamus the Kingdom of the Church will succumb by an Arab attack by sea:
Century V - Quatrain 25, old French:
Le prince Arabe Mars, Sol, Venus, Lyon,
Regne d'Eglise par mer succombera:
Devers la Perse bien pres d'un million,
Bisance, Egypte, ver. serp invadera.
Century V - Quatrain 73, Possible english traslation:
The Arab Prince, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Lyon,
the kingdom of the Church will succumb to the sea.
Towards Persia very nearly a million men
will invade Egypt and Byzantium the true serpent.
+ The Vatican State is "The kigdom of the Church". Rome and Pope's state.
+ Usually translated "Lyon" as "Leo" but I think "Lyon" is "Lyon" a french city where Nostradamus wrote that the pope would die three leagues from there.
+ Nostradamus describes the origin of the power of a great Arab leader from Persia to Rome and Lyon (France) because ...
-Mars: Roman God of War , War
-Sun: Power, brightness (fame), strength
-Venus: Muslims because Friday is the day of Venus in Roman mythology and calendar, and one special day of prayer for Muslims.
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+According to DON BOSCO the church will be attacked by sea and the Pope will be wounded and dead but his successor will win:
On May 30, 1862 , Don Bosco recounted that in a dream he had seen an immense sea on which a great many ships were arranged for battle against a larger and taller ship. He also saw others which were defending the tall ship. Here are his words:
"In the midst of this endless sea, two solid columns, a short distance apart, soar high into the sky. One is surmounted by a statue of the Immaculate Virgin, at whose feet a large inscriptions reads:" 'Auxilium Christianorum' ('Help of Christians') . The other, far loftier and sturdier, supports a Host of proportionate size, and bears beneath it the inscription: 'Salus credentium' ('Salvation of believers').
"The flagship commander - the Roman Pontiff- standing at the helm, strains every muscle to steer his ship between the two columns, from whose summits hang many anchors and strong hooks linked to chains. The entire enemy fleet closes in to intercept and sink the flagship at all costs. They bombard it with everything they have: books and pamphlets, incendiary bombs, firearms, cannons. The battle rages ever more furious. Beaked prows ram the flagship again and again, but to no avail, as, unscathed and undaunted, it keeps on it course. At times, a formidable ram splinters a gaping hole in its hull, but immediately, a breeze from the two columns instantly seals the gash.
"Meanwhile, enemy cannons blow up; firearms and beaks fall to pieces; ships crack up and sink to the bottom. In blind fury, the enemy takes to hand-to-hand combat, cursing and blaspheming. Suddenly the Pope falls, seriously wounded. He is instantly helped up, but struck a second time, dies. A shout of victory rises from the enemy, and wild rejoicing seeps their ships. But no sooner is the Pope dead than another takes his place. The captains of the auxiliary ships elected him so quickly that the news of the Pope's death coincides with that of his successor's election. The enemy's self-assurance wanes.
"Breaking through all resistance, the new Pope steers his ship safely between the two columns; first, to the one surmounted by the Host, and then the other, topped by the statue of the Virgin. At this point, something unexpected happens. The enemy ships panic and disperse, colliding with and scuttling each other.
"Some auxiliary ships, which had gallantly fought alongside their flagship, are the first to tie up at the two columns. Many others, which had fearfully kept far away from the fight, stand still, cautiously waiting until the wrecked enemy ships vanish under the waves. Then they too head for the two columns, tie up at the swinging hooks and ride safe and tranquil beside their flagship. A great calm now covers the sea. " (memoirs, Vol. VII. Pages 107-108).
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+According to Nostradamus the Pope will leave Rome and a very powerful king will return to the church to its pristine pre-eminence
1+ Century VII - Quatrain 8. Old French:
Flora, fuis, fuis le plus proche Romain,
Au Fesulan sera conflict donné:
Sang espandu, les plus grands prins a main,
Temple ne sexe ne sera pardonné.
Century VII - Quatrain 8. Possible English Traslation:
Flora, flee, flee the nearest Roman,
at Fiesole will be conflict given:
blood shed, the greatest one take by the hand,
Neither sex nor tample will be pardoned.
2+ Century VIII - Quatrain 16. Old French:
Au lieu que HIERON fait sa nef fabriquer,
Si grand deluge sera et si subite,
Qu'on n'aura lieu ne terre s'ataquer,
L'onde monter Fesulan Olympique.
Century VII - Quatrain 8. Possible English Traslation:
The place which Holy Pope made his ship built,
So great and so sudden deluge will,
that one will not have a place nor land to fall upon,
The wave Fiesole Olympic ascend.
More explanation:
3+ Century 1 - Quatrain 4. Old French:
Par l'univers sera faict un monarque,
Qu'en paix & vie ne sera longuement:
Lors se perdra la piscature barque,
Sera régie en plus grand détriment.
Century 1 - Quatrain 4. Possible English Traslation:
By the universe will be made a monarch,
He in peace and life will not be long time :
Then will be lost the Papacy boat
Will be governed in greater detriment.
4+ Century 5 - quatrain 74. Old French:
De sang Troyen naistra coeur Germanique
Qui deviendra en si haute puissance:
Hors chassera gent estrange Arabique,
Tournant l'Eglise en pristine preeminence.
Century 5 - quatrain 74. Possible English Traslation:
Of Trojan blood will be born Germanic heart
Will become very high power:
Drive out the people strange Arabian
Turning the Church to its pristine pre-eminence.
More Explanation:
According to DON BOSCO the Pope will leave Rome:
(May 24 - June 24, 1873)
"It was a dark night , and men could no longer find their way back to their own countries. Suddenly a most brilliant light shone in the sky, illuminating their way as at high noon. At that moment from the Vatican came forth, as in procession, a multitude of men and women, young children, monks, nuns, and priests, and at their head was the Pope.
But a furious storm broke out, somewhat dimming that light, as if light and darkness were locked in battle. Meanwhile the long procession reached a small square littered with dead and wounded, many of whom cried for help.
The ranks of the procession thinned considerably. After a two-hundred day march, all realized that they were no longer in Rome. In dismay they swarmed about the Pontiff to protect him and minister to him in his needs.
At that moment two angels appeared, bearing a banner which they presented to the Supreme Pontiff, saying: "Take the banner of Her who battles and routs the most powerful armies on earth. Your enemies have vanished: with tears and sighs your children plead for your return."
One side of the banner bore the inscription: Regina sine labe concepta [Queen conceived without sine],and the other side read: Auxilium Christianorum [Help of Christians].
The Pontiff accepted the banner gladly, but he became distressed to see how few were his followers.
But the two angels went on: "Go now, comfort your children. Write to your brothers scattered throughout the world that men must reform their lives. This cannot be achieved unless the bread of the Divine Word is broken among the peoples. Teach children their catechism and preach detachment from earthly things. The time has come," the two angles concluded, "when the poor will evangelize the world. Priests shall be sought among those who wield the hoe, the spade, and the hammer, as David prophesied: 'God lifted the poor man from the fields to place him on the throne of His people.'"
On hearing this, the Pontiff moved on, and the ranks began to swell. Upon reaching the Holy City, the Pontiff wept at the sight of its desolate citizens, for many of them were no longer. He then entered St. Peter's and intoned the Te Deum, to which a chorus of angels responded, singing: Gloria in excelsis Deo et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis [Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth to men of good will.] When the song was over, all darkness vanished and a blazing sun shone. The population had declined greatly in the cities and in the countryside; the land was mangled as if by a hurricane and hailstorm, and people sought each other, deeply moved, and saying: Est Deus in Israel [There is a God in Israel].
From the start of the exile until the intoning of the Te Deum, the sun rose 200 times. All the events described covered a period of 400 days."
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WHO? |
ADDENDA (march 15, 2013): HE HAS ARRIVED Francis (Latin: Franciscus; born Jorge Mario Bergoglio; 17 December 1936) is the 266th and current Pope of the Catholic Church, elected on 13 March 2013. He entered the Society of Jesus on 11 March 1958. READ MORE: |
And ROME, what will happen to the city of ROME?
Century X - Quatrain 65. Old French:
O vaste Rome ta ruyne s'approche,
Non de tes murs, de ton sang & substance:
L'aspre par lettres fera si horrible coche,
Fer poinctu mis à tous iusques au manche.
Century X - Quatrain 65. Possible English Traslation:
O vast Rome, thy ruin approaches,
Not of thy walls, of thy blood and substance:
The one harsh in letters will make a very horrible notch,
Pointed steel driven into all up to the hilt.
+ It is obvious.
More explanation:
+The Pope resigns, but ..... Does God will renounce to him?
+ What is going to happen to the two popes?
+I think now will be easier to assassinate Pope Benedict XVI near to Lyon.
+He not will have bodyguards because he will be only a religious man.
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+So the prophecies will be fulfilled. ..... Also the third prophecy of Fatima.
"Amen, amen, I say to you, when you were younger, you used to dress yourself and go where you wanted; but when you grow old, you will stretch out your hand, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go" [John 21:18]
Common sources:
Google Translate
+ Now I hope Benedicto XVI to go to Lourdes.,.. and from there he will be carried to three leagues from Lyon, where he will be killed.
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Le dimissioni di Papa Benedetto XVI sono state dettate dai cardinali dietro di lui.
ResponderEliminarA comandare il Vaticano non è il Papa, ma i cardinali.
Il libro "Sua Santità" pubblicato dal giornalista Gianluigi Nuzzi, mostra i documenti segreti della Santa Sede trapelati in segreto.
Il Papa ha incontrato il presidente della Repubblica italiana Giorgio Napolitano, e poi anche l' ex premier Monti, per discutere su questioni inerenti a leggi, a decreti, soprattutto quello relativo alle tasse da pagare sugli immobili della Chiesa ( IMU ).
Non avendo ottenuto un buon risultato ( l' IMU è stata applicata per la prima volta dopo secoli ad immobili commerciali della Chiesa ),
i cardinali avranno invitato Papa Ratzinger a dimettersi.
Che senso ha dimettersi anche se non si è in salute? Il Papa rimane sulla poltrona sino alla sua morte, quindi, perché andarsene prima?
Non c'è spiegazione.
La previsione di Malachia e Nostradamus sosteneva come ci sarebbe stato un Papa Nero:
il simbolo di Ratzinger è appunto una doppia testa nera.
Forse, la previsione porterà ad avere un Papa non bianco. Non so se sarà un segno.
staremo a vedere.
+Se lei ha ragione la più appropriata Nostradamus profezia sarebbe questo:
EliminarC5 - Q46.
Par chapeaux rouges querelles et nouveaux scismes
Quand on aura esleu le Sabinois:
On produira contre luy grands sophismes,
Et sera Rome lesse par Albanois.
C5-Q46. Traduzione:
A causa di cappelli rossi nuovi litigi scismes
Quando ci saranno stati eletti i Sabine:
Essi produrranno sofisma grande contro di lui,
E Roma sarà danneggiata dagli albanesi.
+ Ratzinger può essere il Sabino o straniero, ma come spiegare l'invasione albanese?.
+ Roma sarà distrutta o conquistata per Musulmani albanesi?
Bisogna vedere se tutto ciò accadrà.
+ Strange is the will of God.
ResponderEliminar+ Oh, profondità della ricchezza, della sapienza e della scienza di Dio! Quanto sono imperscrutabili i suoi giudizi e le sue vie impenetrabili le! (Romani 11:33).
+ I talk about all the rude awakenings and worldview-changing shocks we had experienced in the past 15 years:
Think back to about fourteen or fifteen years ago, and everything you thought you knew at that moment . . .
You knew no president would be so reckless that he would get caught having sex with an intern in the Oval Office.
You may have worried about your kid's safety at school, but you knew two alienated teenagers couldn't turn their rage into a massacre.
You knew a giant company like Enron with a big corporate headquarters and commercials couldn't be a big scam. After all, serious professional economists like Paul Krugman worked for them as consultants.
When you looked out at the New York City skyline, you knew it would look the same the next day.
You knew that you could trust priests.
Now, just since then, we can add a new list of shocking scandals and circumstances where one-respected figures fell short: Lance Armstrong, David Petraeus, the New Orleans Saints' bounty program, BBC television personality Jimmy Savile being revealed as a serial sex abuser of children, the allegations surrounding the puppeteer behind Elmo, the Secret Service running around with prostitutes in Colombia . . .
Rome and Italy must be destroyed?
The prophets say that the time has come.
Spero solo che sia il Vaticano a sparire,
Eliminarè la parte più nera e orrida del continente,
la parte che ha distrutto gli italiani e l' Italia.
Dal 2000 a.C. con furore.
+Solo tu puoi conoscere il valore reale di una cosa quando si perde.
EliminarE presto sapremo il valore delle cose e le persone che amiamo o odiamo.
In base Nostradamus non solo la città di Roma soffrirà
Century 10- Quatrain 60, old french:
Ie pleure Nisse, Mannego, Pize, Gennes,
Sauone, Sienne, Capue, Modene, Malte:
Le dessus sang & glaiue par estrennes,
Feu, trembler terre, eau, mal'heureuse nolte.
+Possibile traduzione:
Piango per Nisse, Mannego, Pize, Genova
Savona, Siena, Capue, Modena, Malta:
Il sangue e la spada sopra per novità,
Fuoco, tremare la terra, l'acqua, sfortunato Nolte.
+Nostradamus piange, tutto sarà saccheggiato e distrutto dalla Sicilia a Monaco accordo con le profezie.
Fino ad ora molte profezie non si sono avverate
Eliminar( come le varie "End of World" sino dall' anno 1000 d.C.
Bisogna vedere se tutto ciò accadrà.
In realtà, disastri naturali, tsunami, terremoti,
stanno accadendo da più di 5 anni ad oggi.
Io credo che non accadrà proprio come la profezia,
perché già le città stanno riscontrando problemi
da anni a causa della ribellione di Madre Natura.
C'è solo un modo per testare una profezia, aspettare e vedere cosa succede, ad esempio:
ResponderEliminarCentury II - Quatrain 15, Old French:
"Un peu devant monarque trucidé.
Castor Pollux en nef, astre crinite:
L´erain public par terre et mer vuidé.
Pise, Ast, Ferrare, Turin terre interdite".
Century II - Quatrain 15, Possible traduzione:
"Poco prima re ucciso.
Castore e Polluce in nave, cometa.
Il pubblico tesoro svuotato per terra e per mare.
Pisa, Asti, Ferrara proibito terra ".
+ Credo che questa è la storia dell'omicidio di un re di Arabia Saudita ela cometa Shoemaker-Levi che si è schiantato Giove nel 1994, al tempo di Papa Giovanni Paolo I e II e di una grave crisi economica:
+Se ho ragione qualcosa di orribile accadrà a Ferrara, Turin ,Asti e Pisa prossimamente.
+ Ma cosa succederà?
+ Perché queste città italiane sono in pericolo?
Bisogna vedere se tutto ciò accadrà.
More explanation here:
Io non credo in ogni ribellione della natura. Noi siamo parte della natura, quindi siamo il problema e la soluzione. la scienza dice qualcosa di simile:
Nel 1772 Antoine Lavoisier dimostrò sperimentalmente che la materia non può essere creata o distrutta, ma solo trasformata e nella seconda metà del 1800 le scoperte di diversi scienziati, tra i quali Joule, Carnot, Thomson, Clausius e Faraday, svelarono che lo stesso principio valeva per l’energia.
Quindi dovremmo cercare l'armonia universale, è facile da dire, ma come fare?
Ciò che diceva Lavoisier, è proprio ciò
ResponderEliminarche ha sempre detto il Buddha:
l' Originazione Interdipendente di tutte le cose.
La vuotezza e pienezza dei dharma.
Anche io la penso così.
Penso anche che spesso, gli eventi negativi, siano l' energia negativa accumulata dagli uomini e scaricata sulla Terra.
Un pò come sosteneva Norbert Elias, che l' uomo e la società non sono entità separate, non sono un guscio ed una noce,
ma un tutt' uno che appartiene allo stesso ambiente.
Le zone d' Italia da te scritte ( Ferrara, Pisa.. ) sono zone ad alto, se non altissimo rischio sismico.
Già c'è stato un terremoto che ha distrutto case ed attività,
se la profezia non era quella, spero la prossima catastrofe non sia peggio di quella.
Per la profezia C5 - Q46:
non potrebbe essere, ipoteticamente, l' elezione di un partito politico? Visto che a Roma ci sono le sedi
dello Stato ( ad esempio Montecitorio ) ?
In Italia, a fine mese ci saranno le elezioni politiche
( 24-25 Febbraio ), e proprio dopo 4 giorni ( 28 Febbraio ) scadrà il mandato di Joseph Ratzinger.
E 'un mistero il significato dell'ultimo verso:
ResponderEliminar+ Centurie 2,quartina 15:
"Pisa, Asti, Ferrara, Torino terra interdetta."
+ Torino e Asti sono molto vicini, ma le città di Pisa e Ferrara sono separati e accanto a due mari diversi.
È un quadrilatero irregolare in Italia settentrionale.
La parola "interdetto o proibito" non è di solito associato alle catastrofi naturali, ma è piuttosto legato al disastro politico o sociale.
Non conosco la storia dei terremoti in Italia, ma il territorio delimitato da Nostradamus è troppo grande. Se fosse più vicino alle Alpi Pisa e Ferrara.....
Si tratta di una zona industriale e per questo motivo penso agitazioni sindacali e politiche nel nord.
C'è un partito politico vuole l'indipendenza?
Si dice che Berlusconi può vincere ancora .... è questo uomo può essere in grado di rovinare il suo paese per evitare di andare in prigione per i suoi crimini?
Alcune cose straordinarie stanno accadendo in tutti i modi: in cielo e in terra, nella politica, nell´economia e nella religione.
Viviamo un momento storico.
Bisogna vedere se tutto ciò accadrà.
C'è un partito politico vuole l'indipendenza?
Il partito del Nord Italia "Lega Nord",
i cui rappresentanti sono alleati di Silvio Berlusconi.
Loro vogliono creare un Nord indipendente
( "La Padania" ).
Sono candidati a queste elezioni, e nel programma
riportano, tra le tante idee assurde, l' indipendenza fiscale: far sì che le tasse pagate dal Nord Italia
rimangano al Nord, senza finire nelle casse dello Stato Italiano che poi le darà a tutte le regioni, ed anche a quelle del Sud, considerate "mangione" e "mafiose succhia-denaro".
Comunque, la teoria del terremoto può non esser errata: al centro di quel triangolo scaleno, vi è Reggio Emilia, la zona colpita recentemente dal disastroso terremoto che ha distrutto grandi ed importanti aziende italiane come quella che produce il Parmigiano Italiano e la Ferrari.
Quindi, entrambe le ipotesi reggono.