martes, 11 de diciembre de 2012


 + St. John Bosco had a dream about France & Paris and a great military leader who would protect the Pope.
+ 3 warnings.


SAINT JOHN BOSCO  ( 1815-1888 )
+ SAINT JOHN BOSCO was an Italian priest who dedicated his life to educate boys, to lead young men to a good Christian life, to teach them virtues and trades. He was a miracle worker, healer, tireless worker and spiritual father to poor boys. The saint is the founder of Salesian Order who died in 1888. Through out his life, he had many profound mystical dreams which helped to direct his steps and some also gave prophetic meanings to the future or our century.

+ At nine years old, a dream he never forgot, he revealed his vocation. Later in all critical periods of his life, a vision of heaven he always said the way to follow. 

+ So many miracles made ​​to be entrusted to Don Bosco, the Pope canonized him when they had just spent forty-six years of his death (in 1934) and declared him patron of those who spread good reads and "Father and Teacher of Youth ".


HE WROTE: "On the vigil of the Epiphany of this year, 1870, all material things in my room disappeared, and I found myself contemplating supernatural matters. It was only a matter of an instant, but I saw a great deal. Although what I witnessed was sensibly present, I find it extremely difficult to communicate it to others intelligibly, as one may realize by what follows. This is the Word of God in human parlance:"

"War will come from the south, peace from the north."

"The laws of France no longer recognize the Creator. The Creator will reveal Himself by visiting her three times with the scourge of His wrath. 

1) The first time He will destroy her pride by defeat, pillage, and destruction of crops, cattle, and men. 

2) On His second visit the great whore of Babylon, which the faithful grievingly call Europe's brothel, shall lose her leader and fall prey to chaos.

"Paris! Paris! Instead of fortifying yourself with the Lord's name, you surround yourself with houses of ill repute. You yourself shall destroy them; your idol, the PANTHEON, will be razed to the ground, so that it may truthfully be said that 'iniquity has lied to itself.'  Your enemies will plunge you into anguish, famine, terror, and the contempt for My law, says the Lord.

3) "On My third visit, you shall fall under the foreign yoke. 
From afar your enemies will see your palaces in flames, your home in ruins, soaked in the blood of your heroes who are no more.

"But behold, A GREAT WARRIOR  from the north appears, a banner in his right hand, his arm bearing this inscription: 'IRRESISTIBLE IS THE HAND OF THE LORD´.   At that moment the VENERABLE OLD MAN OF ROME went forward to meet him, wielding a flaming torch. The banner then grew larger and its blackness became white as snow; in its center stood out the name of the ALMIGHTY in golden letters.

"The warrior  and his followers bowed profoundly to the VENERABLE OLD MAN and joined hands with him."

Transcribed from The Biographical Memoirs of Saint John Bosco by Rev. Angelo Amadei, S. D. B., ed. Rev. Diego Borgatello, S. D. B., Volume X (1871-1874), Salesiana Publishers, New Rochelle, New York, 1977, pp. 49-59.
THE PANTHEON  is a building in the Latin Quarter in Paris.. In the frontispiece is engraved the inscription "Aux grands hommes la patrie reconnaissante" ("A great men the grateful homeland"). Inside, decorated with carvings and paintings, is installed, since 1995, the Foucault pendulum, which, in 1851, carried out their experiment to demonstrate the rotation of the Earth in this building, because of its high altitude. Stairs lead to the crypt where the remains are seventy-three personalities among them: Voltaire, Rousseau, Marat, Victor Hugo, Zola, Jaures, Braille, and the architect Soufflot constructor. There are only two women buried: Marie Curie and Sophie Berthelot. The last to enter was Alexander Dumas in 2002.,_Paris
+ Read more about the dreams & life of Don Bosco

+ St. John Bosco and his companions thought that the dream was referring to the Franco-Prussian (1870) war and the dispute to put someone on the throne of Spain, and later to the Carlist Wars.
"Proclamation of the German Empire, January 18, 1871", by Anton von Werner, at the Palace of Versailles (is a royal château in Versailles in the Île-de-France, region of France ;today, however, it is a suburb of Paris, some 20 kilometres southwest of the French capital), 1877.
The History has proved them wrong because no German troops occupied Paris until 1940 and the Pantheon has not been damaged until now.

More about the PANTHEON:
+ The most likely explanation is:

1) THE FIRST WARNING  concerns the fall of France (1940). Hitler's army defeated the French troops and made ​​France a puppet under the command of Marshall Petain: Because of his outstanding military leadership in World War I, particularly during the Battle of Verdun, he was viewed as a national hero in France .

+ Is the Vichy France, the Vichy Regime, the Vichy Government, or simply Vichy are common terms used to describe the government of France which collaborated with the Axis powers during the Second World War. Officially, it called itself the French State (État Français) and was headed by Marshall Philippe Pétain, who proclaimed the government following the Allied defeat in the Battle of France. It lasted from July 1940 to August 1944. 

+The legitimacy of Vichy France and Pétain's leadership was constantly challenged by the exiled General Charles de Gaulle, who claimed to represent the legitimacy and continuity of the French government. Public opinion turned against the Vichy regime and the occupying German forces over time and resistance to them increased. Following the Allied invasion of France in June 1944, de Gaulle proclaimed the Provisional Government of the French Republic (GPRF).

The cartoon shown here from 1941 is of Marshall Petain, the Nazi figurehead of Vichy, France, who had surrender much of his country to the Nazi regime in Germany, indicated by the swastikas on the phonograph. 

2) THE SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT to France refers to the future. 
The danger comes from Babylon  (city or region of Mesopotamia).  
The French government will fall, the Pantheon will be destroyed and the people will be terrified and hungry.

3) THE THIRD WARNING to France refers to the future. France invaded and their capital will be destroyed but curiously the enemy will see burn the city from afar:

The War will come from the South and the peace from the North.
+ A great military leader will defeat the invaders and is very powerful.
+ The military leader will help the Pope in his work.


He wrote something like over 400 YEARS ago:

Opening lines of the letter to Henry, written by Nostradamus, June 27, 1558, in Salon de Provence (France).
"Faciebat Michaël Nostradamus Salonae Petrae Prouinciae".

---------------------------------- addenda et corrigenda Nov 18, 2015 -------------A ....  & NOSTRADAMUS WROTE ABOUT MESOPOTAMIA
The enemy and the decisive battleFrom Mesopotamia  (1+ Irak / Syria) to Rhone river / Provence  (3+ 5+ France)

Century  VII - Quatrain 22. Old French.

Les Citoyens de Mesopotamie.(1)
Irez encontre amis de Tarraconne,(2 Spain)
Ieux, rits, banquets, toute gent endormie
Vicaire  au Rosne
(3), prins cité, ceux d'Ausone.(4 Italy)

Century VII - Quatrain 22. Possible English traslation
The citizens of Mesopotamia,(1)
 Will go against the friends of Tarragona,(2)
Games, rites, banquets, every person asleep
The vicar
  at Rhône
(3), city taken, those of Ausonia.(4) 

 Century 3 - Quatrain 99. Old French:
Aux champs herbeux d'Alein et du Vaineigne,
Du mont Lebrou proche de la Durance,
 Camps de deux parts conflict sera si aigre,
Mesopotamie defaillira en la France.

Century 3 - Quatrain 99. Possible English Traslation:
In the grassy fields of Alleins and Varnegues
Of the Lubiron range near the Durance,
 The conflict will be very sharp for both armies,
Mesopotamia will fail in France.

Read more:



Century 6 - quatrain 70. Old French:
Au chef du monde le grand Chyren (1) sera,
Plus outre apres ayme, crainct, redouté:
Son bruict et loz les cieux surpassera,
Et du seul tiltre vigueur fort contenté.

Century 6 - quatrain 70. Possible English Traslation:
Chief of the world the great HENRY (1) will be,
No other after so loved, feared & dreaded:
His fame and praise will go beyond the heavens,
And with the sole title of  VERY VIGOROUS will he be quite satisfied.

1+ "Chyren" possible anagram of "Henryc" (Old French, is "Henri")

+ It is obvious, none so powerful as he will be.


Century 5 - quatrain 74. Old French:
De sang Troyen naistra coeur Germanique(1)
Qui deviendra en si haute puissance:
Hors chassera gent estrange Arabique,

Tournant l´Eglise en pristine preeminence

Century 5 - quatrain 74. Possible English Traslation:

Of Trojan blood will be born Germanic heart (1)
Will become very high power:
Drive out the people strange Arabian
Turning the Church to its pristine pre-eminence.

(1) He is a member of the House of France and he is the heir to the throne of France by origin (Merovingian Bloodline):

 + From the South (via Spain or Italy) come the Arabs and the mighty French King will come from the North (specifically from lyon) to Rome.



Century 3 - Quatrain 93. Old French;
 Dans Avignon tout le chef de l'empire
Fera arrest pour Paris desolé
Tricast(1) tiendra l'Annibalique ire,
Lyon par change sera mel consolé.

 Century 3 - Quatrain 93. Possible English traslation:
In Avignon the chief of the whole empire
Will make a stop because Paris is desolated
(1) will hold the anger of Hannibal:
Lyon will be poorly consoled for the change.

1-  Tricast: Perhaps Tricastin (Provenca, France) and Nuclear site.

IMAGE: AP.  EDF nuclear power plant (PWR - REP) Tricastin second French nuclear industrial site

+ As I explained earlier in the chapter devoted to Anibal and Islam, the leader of France in Avignon rest because Paris will be desolate and Muslim leader used a weapon like those made in Tricastin (Nuclear site):

( and a curious mathematical problem).

Century 3 - Quatrain 56. Old French:
Montauban, Nismes, Avignon et Besier,
Peste, tonnere et gresle a fin de Mars:
De Paris pont, Lyon mur, Montpellier,
Depuis six cens et sept vingts trois pars.

Century 3 - Quatrain 56. Possible English Traslation:
Montauban, Nîmes, Avignon and Béziers,
Plague, thunder and hail the
end of March:
Of Paris bridge, Lyon wall, Montpellier,
After six hundreds and seven 
twenty three parts (or pairs). 
(or "After 600 & 7 23 parts (or pairs)"). ????

+ Except Paris, all cities mentioned by Nostradamus belong south of France.

+ I guess "BRIDGE"  means  "exit door"  or  "escape" , and the word  "WALL"  can mean  "obstacle"  or "limits".

+The people of Paris will flee from this great city for some awful reason. (perhaps related to the nuclear power of Tricastin and  the fury of Anibal).  

Almost simultaneously, in late March from southern France a military offensive will reach Lyon and nothing else.

04- PARIS OR RAPIS?  however CHAOS

 Century 6 - Quatrain 23. Old French:
D'esprit de regne munismes(1)  descrieés,(2)
Et seront peuples esmuez contre leur Roy,
Faix(3), faict nouveau, sainctes loix empirees,
Rapis(4) onc fut en si tres dur arroy.(5)

Century 6 - Quatrain 23.Possible English Traslation:
Of the kingdom spirit the defense (1) devalued (2),
And peoples will be stirred up against their King:
(3),  new fact, holy laws become worse,

Paris (4) never (onc), was in a difficult situation and bad posture (Arroy)

+ This is a quatrain that is written in different ways depending on who edit the work of Nostradamus:

1+ MUNISMES Somebody say it means COIN from the latin word NUMISMA -ATIS  or  GOD from the latin word NUMEN -INIS  but I think it is a word derived from the Latin word MUNIMEN -INISFortification, trench or any work of military defense.

2+ DESCRIEES  In French "Criee" means proclamation, therefore "descrieé" means the opposite: silencing, belittling or devalue. Thus was used by Henry III in 1577 it published an order seeking to put an end to monetary disorders, and in which we find the term "descriees" within the meaning of devalued, depreciated: "As to remedy the disorder over the ridge of species has always estrangeres time led to United nostre, noz predecessors Kings and we have several edicts and ordinances all over descriees & development (...) " (Ordonnance du Roy sur le descry des Monnoyes de billon estrangeres , Michel & Jean Pillehotte Jove, Lyon , 1577, p.3)

"Defcriées"and coins, image from

3+ You can find two different words: PEACE or LOAD according to the french edition of the quatrain:  french words PAIX or FAIX . Is more logical  FAIX because: 
"Thus, in the copy of Utrecht (1557 edition) .... and Budapest version gives PEACE instead of FAIX, but the Budapest copy  introduces a new point after. The Benoist Rigaud editions of 1568 accentuates the last adjectives of the 2 and 4 verse: descriées and empireés".  

+ The word PEACE is meaningless to me. 
 On this issue you can consult this link in French:
"Le quatrain 23 de la centurie VI et la critique des méthodes dites rationalistes" by Patrice Guinard.

+ 4 RAPIS  Possible anagram of Paris, France. An anagram is a type of word play, the result of rearranging the letters of a word or phrase to produce a new word or phrase, using all the original letters exactly once.
More Read:

+ Crisis of the fundamental laws of France.

+ The kingdom has lost its reason for being and the defense of its existence  and citizens are revolted against their king. The weight of this new fact will make the fundamental laws of the country getting worse. Paris, capital of France, never will be seen in such a difficult situation.  

+ And then I hope it is restored monarchy in France, in a legitimate heir.

November 18, 2015
In ancient Mesopotamia was born a monster called ISIS

This monster has sent his murderers to Paris

This fact makes possible the second warning of Don Bosco on the prostitute of Babylon, ancient city of Babylon or region.

The French republic and its leaders will be defeated, and demoralized and hungry people will be coming. The solution is in the next notice, the destruction of Paris and the new and powerful leader.

Paris mourns its dead, by Carlos Latuff
Paris terrorist atrocity of  2015
Charlie Hebdo & Bataclan

Addenda et corrigenda in Pink 

 Common sources:

Google Translate

And I also hope Obama visit Jerusalem again at Easter.

  ........ And now to explain the return of the powerful king.

1 comentario:

  1. I made a change

    The birth of ISIS in Mesopotamia makes credible the threat of the prostitute of Babylon ( from Mesopotamia), and enables connection with the threat of Mesopotamia as told Nostradamus in his quatrains.

    Soon the French Republic will be defeated by his vices and enemies
