miércoles, 25 de julio de 2012


 ....... and the murder of Pope John Paul I

+  In Nostradamus’s prophecies about popes, he frequently comments on the fore-coming destruction of moral and spiritual values, both inside and outside the Christian Church. Some of Nostradamus’s Quatrains mention strange happenings in the hierarchy of the Vatican, and this one makes reference to a particular body of people who plot to kill a pope.

 Pope John Paul I died only 33 days into his Pontificate (August 26, 1978 - September 28, 1978). It was one of the shortest reigns in the annals of the papacy. The official cause of death was myocardial infarction (a heart attack). But there was a great deal of confusion in the details of his sudden death, and many were crying - murder!

Night of his death.

Century X - Quatrain 12. Old French:

Esleu en Pape, d'esleu sera mocqué,
Subit soudain esmeu prompt & timide,
Par trop bon doux à mourir prouoqué,
Crainte estainte la nuit de sa mort guide.



Century X - Quatrain 12. Possible English traslation:

Elected Pope, as elected he will be mocked,
Suddenly unexpectedly moved prompt & timid,
Through too much goodness and kindness provoked to die,
Fear extinguished guides the night of his death.



 When the sepulchre is found ....... 

Century III - Quatrain 65. Old French:

Quand le sepulcre du grand Romain trouvé,
Le jour apres sera esleu Pontife:
Du Senat gueres il ne sera prouvé,
Emprisonné son sang au sacré scyphe.



 Century III - Quatrain 65. Possible English traslation:

When the tomb of the great Roman is found,
 A pope will be elected the next day;
He will not be approved of by the Senate,
To keep prisoner his blood in the sacred chalice.




+ As the world now knows, John Paul I died under suspicious circumstances (see links). The first quatrain could refer to the shy and pleasant Pope John Paul I, but the second quatrain is more difficult to interpret: On the one hand an important tomb is uncovered and the other blood, perhaps violently shed, will be hidden.

+ The pope was a shy man and his smile was very famous:
 John Paul I ‘talked the talk and walked the walk’ of the hymn ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine’. He was christened the ‘Pope of the Smile’. Benedict XVI, when he was Cardinal Ratzinger, spoke poignantly after his death:

"This smile was not a mask, behind which a person can hide himself nor was it a studied gesture to obtain something, but the expression, unconscious and natural of a soul transparent and luminous to its very depths. Yes it is not a question of a gift received from nature, but rather something acquired from Jesus Christ, living at an ever deeper level". Pope Benedict  XVI is also on record as commenting that he considered Albino Luciani to be a saint and prayed every day for his canonisation. His cause has been opened and is proceeding. 

 One of the world-wide Ambassadorial tributes to the late Pope spoke of his ‘candour’. Certainly it took enormous courage to liken human development to the proper maintenance of a car whereby we would not put in champagne when told it needed petrol or jam for oil!! The point is clearly made that best ways to look after our God-given bodies are self-evident. On another occasion whilst making a comparison between illness and health he urged us to ‘inject each other with love’ to combat the violence of society. For a modern day Pope to risk such home-spun teaching was exceptional. John Paul II wrote of him that his ‘zeal and gifts as a catechist amazed us all…’He gave an example of catechesis at once popular and concentrated on the essential, one made up of simple words and actions that were able to touch the heart.’ (Catechesis Tradendae, 6).


In what tomb we talking about? Was the tomb of an apostle like Peter or Paul?
 In the early 20th century a construction crew stumbled upon parts of an ancient city street of family tombs [a necropolis] which had been filled in by Constantine’s workmen as the first basilica was built on the Vatican Hill.  This necropolis was constructed in the 2nd and 3rd centuries and it began at the Tiber River and stretched to and past Peter’s tomb. Between 1939 and 1950 archaeologists uncovered much of this necropolis, eventually discovering the tomb of St. Peter.Look:


Who knows?

+ A great deal of confusion surrounds his death and, as a result, numerous conspiracy theories have grown up around the possibility that he was murdered, either because he was getting too close to some scandal or because conservative feared his progressive inclinations. Whether true or not, the Vatican has itself partly to blame because of its bungling of the matter.

+ In the first place, the Vatican lied about who found the body of John Paul I - originally, the Vatican claimed that he was discovered by his Irish priest-secretary, which was false. In fact, he was discovered by his housekeeper, Sister Vincenza. Secondly, the Vatican claimed that the last thing he was reading was The Imitation of Christ by Thomas á Kempis. This, too, was false and was only told for its public relations benefit. 

+ Shortly after Pope John Paul I’s funeral, a rumour swept Vatican City that his body had been surreptitiously removed from the coffin and cremated. If so, this would indicate a premeditated action to destroy all evidence of poisoning in case anybody demanded that the Pope’s body be exhumed for scientific tests. 

+ But still, there were no indictments, no subpoenas issued, no trials, no convictions made. It has been 34 years since the death of Pope John Paul I and the mystery will continue to be debated.

The most probable truth is that John Paul I was suffering from serious health problems which he failed to seek treatment for. As a result, the most likely lesson of his death is not the corruption of religious institutions, but rather the more prosaic fact that people should watch their health better  perhaps a more important lesson, but not nearly exciting enough for conspiracy theories ...... but ......Who knows?

Pope John Paul I's body lies in state in St Peter's Basilica, 1978
Pope John Paul I's body lies in state in St Peter's Basilica, 1978. The behaviour of the authorities made a striking contrast to the way that the deaths of his predecessors had been handled for a century and more.

 + The truth is buried in the most sacred place, remember:
"To keep prisoner his blood in the sacred chalice."












Bye from Spain




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