Day february 5, 1962.
Mrs. Jeane Dixon was in Washington and had a dream or vision: She thought she saw through the window of his house a large desolate plain, a desert that stretched into the distance, to be confused whit the horizon, with a bright blue sky, dominated by a golden sun and dazzling. Suddenly, out the solar disk, approaching to land and the ability of Joseph, two other figures appeared that Mrs. Dixon inmediately recognized as queen Nefertiti and her husband, the pharaoh Akhenaten. The queen in her arms a child dressed in filthy rags in sharp contrast to the luxurious clothes and jewels that adorned the royal couple. Pharaoh immediately disappeared as if swallowed by the sun and the queen left the boy down, and, finally, she was seen with a pitcher of dirty water o brown water and about to stand someone. Mrs. Dixon heard a loud cry of pain.
The ragged child of royal lineage and grew up and saw him become a man, appeared on a cross that was expanding, giving the impression that covered the entire Earth. At the end Mrs. Dixon noted that the man raised his arms and, kneeling around him in adoration, men of every race and religion were praising.
Ten years later:
Mrs. Dixon, in a second vision, received notice that the power to take that boy saw was not from God, though he stood as envoy of the Divine.
The message also revealed that this man´s life imitate Christ´s life, point by point: that the child would be snatched from his birthplace, at age eleven something tremendously important happen in your life and make him aware of his destination, at the thirty years in public affairs and would make fans, there is before the world as being full of sexy and wisdom called upon to solve the problems of humanity. Mrs. Dixon says it will also make frequent trips to the U.S., where his supporters will control of the mass media that used to proclaim him as the savior, the man of peace expected, shortly after its domain be extended to the whole world going back to Jerusalem to proclaim. The domain will be brief and will drag the world into such a universal confusion and disorder culminating in a sudden destruction and World War.
At the end will appear the sign of the cross over the heavens in the midst of global conflicts and the good guys win.
Mrs. Dixon has its own interpretation of what she observed.
I have mine: The child is Obama and after the episode of Lazarus in the body of the congressman from Arizona and the next presidential speech in Tucson, he must go to Jerusalem now officially and he does not know. After that new presidential Easter what awaits Obama and the world is the chaos (and i will not mention about the increasing cross or the comet deep impact).
Addenda about a comet (January 29, 2013):
+ Nostradamus wrote that a comet will come from Cancer and something like that is going to happen: 'Brighter than a full moon': The biggest star of 2013... could be ISON C/2012 S1 - the comet of the century:
Read more:
Adding about the son of Pharaoh Akhenaten . SUN & Obama´s logo
(August3, 2014)
Tutankhamun (alternatively spelled with Tutenkh-, -amen, -amon) was an Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th dynasty (ruled ca. 1332 BC – 1323 BC in the conventional chronology), during the period of Egyptian history known as the New Kingdom.
Tutankhamun was the son of Akhenaten (formerly Amenhotep IV) and one of Akhenaten's sisters, or perhaps one of his cousins.
He is popularly referred to as King Tut. His original name, Tutankhaten, means "Living Image of Aten", while Tutankhamun means "Living Image of Amun".
Aten (also Aton, Egyptian jtn) is the disk of the sun in ancient Egyptian mythology, and originally an aspect of Ra.
The Obama logo was the flagship symbol of Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign: "We were looking at the “o” of his name and had the idea of a rising sun and a new day,” according to Sender. “The sun rising over the horizon evoked a new sense of hope.
Yours sincerely. Joseph.
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To Jerusalem and after.... |
Addenda et corrigenda:
-----2012- January-----
++You can find the first dream of Jeane Dixon at the following address:
++The best biography about Jeane Dixon:
++The best reasoned critique about Jeane Dixon can be found at this address:
---Page entitled: "The Skeptic´s dictionary: Jeane Dixon & the Jeane Dixon effect" 2+ THIS MAN´S LIFE (Obama) IMITATE CHRIST´S LIFE:
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Almost divine. |
++Doubts about his place of birth.
( Belen, Nazareth, Galilea? / Somewhere in Honolulu, Hawai, USA? )
++Exile and mass murder of innocents.
(To Egypt-innocent children / To Indonesia-innocent comunist?)
--Noam Chomsky writes on his political books about the Indonesia of Sukarno and Suharto, and the massacres that happened in this country for a violent change of Governement (1965) ... then Obama came with his mother and indonesian stepfather military.
--You can also see this film about the political crisis in Indonesia, where lived Obama few days after:
"The year of living dangerously" (1983) - MGM / UA - by Peter Weller. Cast: Mel Gibson, Sigourney Weaver, Linda Hunt (Oscar: Best supporting actress).
++His father disappears
'Dreams From My Father' inconsistencies? becomes a Rabbi, Teacher o Master.
( Constitutional law professor at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 - 2004 )
++He has disciples.
++His followers and he do acts of charity by a lake.
(Tiberiades lake, Galilea, Israel / Great Lakes, Chicago, Illinois)
++He´s going to Jerusalem (july 2008).
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++Miracle of the transformation of water.
(Gulf of Mexic & BP)
++Miracle of the resurrection of someone who was thought dead( Lazarus / Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffors) .
-Obama "Lazarus miracle": President Obama said that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords opened her eyes for the first time after his visit:
++He argues with the Pharisees and Sadducees.
(Obama versus The Fox News)
++ Obama, the travel companions and Colombian prostitutes; this is how crude and strange to narrate the episode of Jesus, his followers and Mary Magdalene (ex-whore). -April 2012-
++He is up against the money changers from the Temple.
(Obama: Jesus would tax the rich (02/02/2012)
People say Obama is a communist or a demagogue, someone who promises to do something and can not pay
++Jesus and his followers to heal sick people
"The Supreme Court, ObamaCare and the No-Fine Tax"
++He returns to Jerusalem riding on his beast.
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March 20, 2013
Obama has arrived in Israel four days before Easter.
.... And so the double Mrs. Dixon's dream coming true step by step.
..... And as the Bible says he has had to find a BEAST (nickname of his car) to get him to his destination:
Proposed Itinerary for President Obama in Israel |
++The sermon on the mount.
Update 09/17/13 - President Obama Jerusalem Speech (March 21, 2013)
Update 09/17/13 - Edward J. Snowden must be like a Judas Iscariot
WHY ? Sen. Rand Paul: 'I'm not afraid to challenge the president'
March 2014
" He needs to be sued. He needs to be taken to the Supreme Court. We took him to the Supreme Court on him saying we are in recess and he is just going to appoint people willy nilly with no restraint by the Senate, and he lost. The Supreme Court has heard him. We haven't heard the final ruling. The appellate court ruled against him and rebuked him. I think if we can get ObamaCare or his illegal amending of ObamaCare to the Supreme Court, I think he will lose. I'm suing him over the NSA. And I will mention that when I get out there in a few minutes.
When I discovered that the NSA spied on was collecting every American citizen's records, I took a stand. I sued the president.
One warrant should not apply to everybody's phone records. It's not what the Fourth Amendment meant. It's not what James Otis argued against or John Adams argued against. We have to stop him, and that means taking him to court. I'm not afraid to challenge the president. And we have got him in federal court in Washington right now. I hope we will make it all the way to the Supreme Court." Sen. Rand Paul
FOX NEWS + Published March 07, 2014
Texas Gov.-elect Greg Abbott announced Wednesday that Texas is leading a 17-state coalition suing the Obama administration over the president's executive actions on immigration.
The lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court in Texas on Wednesday, and names the heads of the top immigration enforcement agencies as defendants.
Abbott, in a news conference in Austin, said the "broken" immigration system should be fixed by Congress, not by "presidential fiat."
It's a shame when US states have to sue the president to follow the law.
++And The Second Coming.
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Is so obvious....... |
Read More:
--The comparison should be seen as ridiculous or crude form of the life of Jesus, and not necessarily happen in the same order. For exemple, the "second coming" may be his re-election as president of the United States of America before the disaster for himself, his country, Israel and southern Europe.
++I hope everything is clear before Obama again gone back to Jerusalem in his Beast ( the name of his car). Do you remember how Jesus Christ came to the city of Jerusalem on Easter?.
Good Bye.
Addenda et corrigenda in pink: (Since February 2012.)
More to see:
+ September 2012:
Fact-checking Obama's back-story
Relation between the son of Pharaoh Akhenaten . SUN & Obama´s logo
ResponderEliminar(August3, 2014)
+ Tutankhamun (alternatively spelled with Tutenkh-, -amen, -amon) was an Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th dynasty (ruled ca. 1332 BC – 1323 BC in the conventional chronology), during the period of Egyptian history known as the New Kingdom.
+ Tutankhamun was the son of Akhenaten (formerly Amenhotep IV) and one of Akhenaten's sisters, or perhaps one of his cousins (It is not clear who the parents of Tutankhaten were).
+ He became one of history's most famous royalty when Howard Carter discovered his tomb in November of 1922. He is popularly referred to as King Tut. His original name, Tutankhaten, means "Living Image of Aten", while Tutankhamun means "Living Image of Amun".
Aten (also Aton, Egyptian jtn) is the disk of the sun in ancient Egyptian mythology, and originally an aspect of Ra.
The Obama logo was the flagship symbol of Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign: "We were looking at the “o” of his name and had the idea of a rising sun and a new day,” according to Sender. “The sun rising over the horizon evoked a new sense of hope.
......and so the prophecy is fulfilled.
APRIL 2015
ResponderEliminarPresident Obama refuses lead the Free World, other world leaders are rising up to speak for it -- Canada's Stephen Harper, Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu and now India's Narendra Modi.
In Yemen, the U.S. Administration watched as Iranian-backed militias disarmed U.S. Marines and seized embassy vehicles, before the diplomatic staff was let out of the country. However, the Indian government and defense forces deserve due credit for conducting a well-organized rescue operation.(February)
India evacuated U.S. citizens from Yemen.
Yes, Yemen, a country overrun by an Iranian-backed militia, or as U.S. President Barack Obama likes to call it, "a counter terrorism success story."
NOW Al Qaeda's branch in Yemen consolidated control over much of the country's largest province on Thursday, capturing a major airport, an oil terminal and the area's main military base, and striking an alliance with local tribal leaders to administer the region.
Iran is clearly interested in all oil producing regions. It has taken over four Arab capitals -- Damascus, Beirut, Baghdad and Sana'a -- while the U.S. has fled from three countries: Iraq, Libya and Yemen. Iran now surrounds all the oilfields of the Middle East.
President Obama inherited a country built on values in which he doesn't believe.
The geopolitical vacuum that President Obama is leaving behind has emboldened expansionist regimes and destructive ideologies -- from the Mediterranean to the South China Sea.
Thus the end of the Obama administration coincides with a war in the most ancient part of humanity as Jeane Dixon predicted
ResponderEliminarWhat a legacy it is !
Millions of refugees are now fleeing Syria, where the president's notorious 'red line' was ignored. And innocent people are being hunted down and beheaded in Iraq, where the president refused to leave behind a residual force that could have resisted ISIS.
The Taliban are still fighting and are a threat.
Sadly, much of the world is a mess right now, largely because our president was determined to withdraw and disengage. His actions - or inactions - call to mind an adage usually attributed to Leon Trotsky: "You may not be interested in war," Trotsky observed, "but war is interested in you."
Right now war in its various forms is very interested in us, and it is affecting and infecting much of the globe. Things could get worse, much worse, when this ill-advised nuke deal takes effect, as it almost certainly will.
We'll end with a question posed by Lt. Gen. Flynn in the No Spin Zone the other night: 'Why are we giving the leading state sponsor of terrorism the ability to have a nuclear threshold state?'
Why indeed?
ResponderEliminarAND NO MORE
Over the last few weeks a Russian airliner has been blown out of the sky by ISIS. Hundreds have been killed or wounded in Paris. An international soccer game has been postponed in Germany because of terror threats.
President Obama's strategy has been out-source the ground fight against ISIS inside Iraq to the Iranians so they are gaining more power over Baghdad. American bombers have caused some damage to ISIS but not enough to alter their terror activities. So any honest observer would have to conclude that progress against ISIS is scant or non existent.
By backing away from the Syrian situation, President Obama has stimulated hundreds of thousands of desperate people to flood into other countries. He has also allowed the Russian villain Putin to bomb American allies inside Syria
Millions of Americans don't even care about President Obama's performance. They like him. That's that. But there comes a point when a disaster has to be confronted. And right now America's foreign policy is a disaster, which will have unintended consequences for the people -- lethal consequences.
Time is running out. I repeat, Obama is not good and Obama is not bad.
The prophecy indicates that he is the forerunner, an attractive and charming man, and nothing more.
Obama, Nostradamus And Jeane Dixon: Jeane Dixon: Two Visions About Obama >>>>> Download Now
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Obama, Nostradamus And Jeane Dixon: Jeane Dixon: Two Visions About Obama >>>>> Download Full
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